Regulatory Compliance Oversight and Assistance

Guidance and plans to comply with all aspects of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), including the Surface Water Treatment Rules (SWTRs), Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR), Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproducts Rule (D/DBPR), Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), Groundwater rule (GWR), Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs), and responses to Notices of Non-Compliance (notices of violations).

Operational Optimization

Monthly Operating Report (MOR) preparation, data management and interpretation, treatment process evaluations (disinfection audits, filtration audits, tracer studies), Sanitary Surveys, residuals evaluations and Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) preparation, Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals, and operator training.

Distribution Systems

Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) support, including sampling plan preparation and training, data management and evaluation, chlorine mapping, and Level 1 and Level 2 Assessments.

Risk Reduction

Through Risk & Resilience Assessments (Vulnerability Assessments), Emergency Response Planning, and Source Water Protection Plans. 

Capacity Development

We can help guide your system toward self-sustainability through the application of strategic planning, sound fiscal management practices, Technical, Managerial, and Financial (TMF) Needs Assessments, asset management planning that includes a comprehensive inventory, condition assessment, and prioritization of the system components, rate and cost estimating, and capital improvement planning.

Operator Training

Custom-tailored specialized training for drinking water operators and managers on a wide range of topics including SDWA compliance, disinfection, water treatment math and chemistry, and sustainable utility management. Dr. Gullick has conducted EPA-funded training on the SDWA, SWTRs, GWR, D/DBPR, and LCR for water system operators and managers, as well as USDA-funded training on sustainable utility management.

Board of Directors Training

Custom-tailored training on Board member responsibilities, finances, planning, rate setting, and sustainable utility management. Ideal for beginner board members of small systems.

Assistance in Hiring Engineering Firms and Evaluating Their Work. 

Conducting an independent expert review of your consultant’s work may identify lower-cost solutions, or can help bolster confidence that you are on the right track. 

Expert Witness Testimony 

For cases involving SDWA rules and regulations, water quality and water treatment, and chemical fate and transport in the environment and in engineered systems.

Licensed Drinking Water Operations

MassDEP Grade 4T licensed Operator of Drinking Water Supply Facilities available. Also licensed in Rhode Island (Class 4), New Jersey (T-3), and Virginia (Class 1).